Saturday, April 24, 2010

how many people do you genuinely not like? and who is your best friend besides chris?

I cannot think of anyone I dislike. There are certain things about people I don't like, but there isn't anyone I dislike completely. And, my mom would be my best friend beside Chris. Always has been.

Ask me anything

Have you ever used a men's room by mistake?

I don't think I have...but I'm trying to think. For some reason, I feel like i have. you got me trying to remember...

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

Where is the one place in the world you want to be at most?

I don't have any one particular place, although visiting home would be really nice. I know this sounds cheesy, but as long as I'm with Chris. (but i obviously don't want to be in the place where he is right now)

Ask me anything

What is the most fun you have ever had at one time?

The most fun? ever? at one time? hmm...i find a lot of things fun. As long as I'm with friends.

Ask me anything

Sunday, April 18, 2010

What was the crazest thing you did in college?

Circus Hall: what goes on in Circus stays in Circus. Other than that, probably jumping up on the table during Midnight Buffet and singing along to Bohemian Rhapsody.

Ask me anything